Welcome to QUAHVET
Our Erasmus+ project, a project in the field of Vocational Education and Training aims at enhancing participation in EQF 5 HVET pathways (EQAVET Indicator 3) by raising awareness among high school graduates and diploma holders.

What we aim for
The goal of our project is to increase the number of participants in High VET, providing them with the necessary knowledge of the educational opportunities connected to HVET programs as well as the types of qualifications, jobs and especially the future employment prospects of graduates. Our project also aims to increase awareness of high school guidance counselors about the HVET pathways systems and prospects, increase quality and inclusivity of HVET guidance by involving various stakeholders and enlarge cooperation skills based on quality between high school and HVET counselors.
Project Results
- A Multi-stakeholder Guidance System, founded on quality assurance and evidence-based practices, comprising a guidance model and a web application for data entry and processing related to the dimensions defined in the model.
- The H-VET Digital Gateway, featuring informational resources on the HVET system and its prospects, along with a digital platform providing access to these resources and digital Open Educational Resources (OERs) targeted towards guidance counselors.
- Implementation of a system to maintain high quality in digital guidance services.
- Creation of a digital platform containing information about the HVET system.
- Establishment of a guidance system with a model and a web application for managing data.
- Provision of digital educational resources accessible through the platform.